Study Settings

Vacation Mode

If you are going on vacation, you can enter "Vacation Mode", maintaining your streak and preventing your reviews from piling up while you are gone. You can read more about this mode and how it works here.

Vacation mode does not pause your subscription.

Avalanche Recovery

For more information about avalanche recovery and how it works, please view our help article.

Flashcard Settings

Flashcard Audio
Audio plays on card
Flashcard Settings

Extra Credit Targets

The targets above are the minimum amount required to complete each day for a gold star.

Danger Zone

Even after a long break, we almost never recommend resetting progress.
This is to help keep you out of what we like to call “the beginner’s loop”, which is a discouraging loop of learning and relearning the same Japanese before becoming discouraged and burning out.
It's generally best to go through your reviews very quickly while pressing the smiley face 🙂, then learning new Japanese by doing new Units. This allows you to steadily wake up the connections in your brain while making progress.

If you want to have your progress reset, please reach out to: [email protected]